A sleep lab in a tiny and comfy ring
Precise PPG heart rate, respiratory rate, SpO2 and motion sensors along with a machine learning powered app will help you understand and improve your sleep over the long term.
Kira never sleeps but you'll sleep better
Kira learns about your baselines to give you a daily personalized sleep quality and tells you exactly what parameters impact your sleep to improve them. Circular measures not only how long you sleep, but the time spent in each stage , your circadian rhythm, your heart rate metrics and respiratory rate.

Critical to your health and your energy
Sleep is the period to repair, regenerate and prepare your mind and body for performance. Understand & improve your sleep stages to give yourself the sleep you deserve and increase your wellbeing.
A sleep lab in a tiny and comfy ring
Precise heart rate, breathing rate, SpO2, temperature and motion sensors along with a machine learning powered app will help you understand and improve your sleep over the long term.
Meet the 3 pillars of sleep
Learn how much time you spend in each sleep stage: Light, Deep, REM & Awake. Deep sleep enables physical recovery while REM sleep helps with memory, thinking and creativity. Do you know how much time you spend in each ? Is it optimal ? Kira will help you improve and optimize these.

Circular looks at how much you have actually slept compared to your personal sleeping length needs. Circular also calculates the duration of disturbances during your sleep, and gives you a score on how efficiently you slept.
Circadian Rhythm
Science shows that sleep must follow a light/darkness cycle, be in line with your natural chronotype and that the more consistent you are with your sleep schedule, the better sleep you'll get. Kira makes recommendations that match up with your chronotype to achieve higher consistency.

Discover your Chronotype, a life changing tool
Your Chronotype
Chronotypes are linked to your internal clock and to your genes. They have a direct effect on the timing of your daily activities and your performance in doing them. Discover your Chronotype and the optimal times to do your activities.

The most advanced wearable tracking device
The most advanced wearable tracking device
The most advanced wearable tracking device

1. Track your sleep each night and trends over time.
2. Understand your sleep and learn about the parameters that positively or negatively impact your sleep quality and how it correlates with your days.
3. Build better habits for better rest.
4. Wake up with energy with a silent & smart alarm clock.
Smart, noninvasive and silent at the same time. Circular can study your sleep and smoothly wake you up during the light sleep stage, without disturbing your surroundings thanks to silent vibrations.